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Bienvenue sur le site de la société de cardiologie du Burkina (SO.CAR.B.)
Ce site est un espace scientifique dédié aux soins, à la formation et à la recherche.
Plusieurs rubriques vous y sont proposées: publications scientifiques, évènements scientifiques et sociaux, communications scientifiques...
Des publications y sont régulièrement postées, intéressant diverses sous spécialités de la cardiologie: la cardiologie interventionnelle, l’insuffisance cardiaque, la rythmologie, la réadaptation cardiaque, les soins intensifs en cardiologie, la cardiologie du sport.
Ces publications font l’objet de mise à jour régulière et s’étendent au partage des recommandations les plus recentes émises par les sociétés savantes de renom.
Notre objectif est de contribuer au développement de la Science en général, de la cardiologie en particulier et à l’amélioration de la prise en charge de nos patients. Vous pouvez y contribuer en partageant avec nous vos travaux scientifiques, vos pratiques et votre expérience.
Le président de la SO.CAR.B

The "SOCIETE CARDIOLOGIE DU BURKINA FASO" abbreviated "SO.CAR.B. »Is an association scientific, apolitical, no denominational, and non-profit.
SOCARB's objectives are:
- Bring together all cardiologists who are concerned about the evolution of this specialty in Burkina Faso.
- Foster contacts and exchanges of experience between doctors and cardiologists in Burkina Faso.
- Promote contacts and the exchange of experiences with others health professionals.
- Promote any action for the development of the practice of cardiology education and research in Burkina Faso.
- Represent its members in learned societies, national or international pursuing similar goals.
- Contribute to the continuing medical education of its members and others practitioners of the medical and paramedical world.
- Contribute to information and the popularization of knowledge of diseases cardiovascular diseases and their consequences on health for populations.
- Give the competent authorities opinions on the practice of cardiology and its development in Burkina Faso and around the world.
Cardia surgery
Cardiac surgery or cardiovascular surgery is a surgical specialty treating disorders of the heart and large thoracic vessels.
Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric and congenital cardiology takes care of all types of heart disease in children.
Rhythmology is a specialty of cardiology dedicated to the management of abnormalities of the heart rhythm.
Interventional cardiology
Interventional cardiology is the medical specialty devoted to operating procedures on cardiac cavities and vessels (coronary arteries), without recourse to surgery.
Cardiology of sport
All sports cardiologists are first and foremost cardiologists. They have nevertheless specialized in the assessment of cardiovascular risks linked to physical and sports activity by supplementing their training with a university degree or international diploma. -university.
Cardiovascular rehabilitation
Cardiovascular rehabilitation is an effective treatment for people who have suffered a recent cardiac event (myocardial infarction, coronary angioplasty, cardiac surgery, etc.) or suffering from heart failure.
Cardiovascular prevention
Cardiovascular prevention consists of removing or reducing as much as possible the whole risk factors to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. It can be applied specifically to each individual (individual prevention) but also to the entire population (collective prevention)